Wehr Nature Center Studies September 26
Watercolor and Ink, 2014
I returned to the Wehr Nature Center to see if the spiders were still hanging out on the thistle. And they were to my delight! Other insects I saw included a velvet mite (thanks to the purchase of a magnifier I was able to see the fine details!), a dung or blister beetle (not quite sure), a stink bug, an orb weaver, small bees, and an unidentified small gold, brown beetle.
I returned to the Wehr Nature Center to see if the spiders were still hanging out on the thistle. And they were to my delight! Other insects I saw included a velvet mite (thanks to the purchase of a magnifier I was able to see the fine details!), a dung or blister beetle (not quite sure), a stink bug, an orb weaver, small bees, and an unidentified small gold, brown beetle.